Although my pair just gave up on me I still love my NB. I'm on the lookout for a new pair, 2 actually. One for training and a racing flat, I'm taking Totoy's advice on this. :) Well here's the take on their latest event.
What : NB Power Race (the next level)
When: November 11, 2007 6:30am
Where: Clark Freeport Zone
Race Events: 10km open || 25km open & age category
Race Fee: 300.00pesos only
Here's the great thing about this race. For the first 500 entries to the 25km race they will be providing an RF-ID timing chips! Looks like my prayers for a Champion Chip event has been answered by NB!
There's still time to train! Bump up your weekly mileage and see you all at the race!
Deadline for entries is on OCTOBER 14, 2007
There's also a "RUN for CURE" 5km fun run on October 21, 2007 6am at the Powerplant Mall. For more details call 898-1933
meron bang 5k?! hehe.
onga! 5K lang kaya ko e :(
ey renz and pen!
sadly there's no 5km event. Join the 10km nalang. And Renz, there's still more than a month to train for the 25km. tara time to break your PR. :)
shucks sayang
b3n mali! Nov 1 pala ako alis :(
hmmm...cge. cool nito! 10k uli ako :-) hahaha!
GAME AKO! let's go 10k!
yehey! The more the merrier!
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