I refuse to make him a part of my runner profile and decided to make a new title just for these series of photos. Hence the Runner FEATURE title.
2 months delayed since I first invited Patrick for the feature. I was finally able to finish all the shoot pegs(storyboard) and was able to get a quick pre-production meeting with him. That afternoon meet was like excitement, nervousness and anxiety all rolled into one feeling. Luckily I got the thumbs up approval and another shoot peg c/0 himself. :)
That day we shot these series, forever changed the way I look up to him. One thing's for sure.... you got my 110% respect Patrick. I hope I can be as dedicated and shall I say addicted as you are. And thank you for trusting me with all the creative freedom in the world.
(all images are based on a true story)
Here's my take on Patrick Concepcion.......

and the list continues. Watch out for the continuation of the runner profile series.
Special thanks to the following who helped us with the production
- to the sweaty men who helped carry all the refrigerators.
- kuya dan for driving, holding the flash, and operating the fog machine.
- manong guard and another employee for cleaning the comfort room.
- Ms Mabu, your presence gave the punch on the bedroom layout. Thank you ma'am.
- Oh! and Patrick for the Cab and Booze after the shoot. Sorry I forgot to say Thank you. :)