But I never denied the fact that I have a hard time loosing weight due to the fact that I like to munch on anything that I fancy. Let my new years entry post be a foody blog. Every time I would go home to the province I have always missed eating our province's famous Halo-Halo restaurant since it was located well....... a very near 20 miles (3 towns) away. What I didn't know was that the owner's only son expanded the family business downtown.
Take note: I only knew this fact 6 days ago. And since then I have long been like a prodigal son in his homecoming. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
Ok confession time........
I had 2 bowls today, 2 yesterday, 1 the other day, another bowl the day before that another, and another............. This thing is a major treat! Sorry to bash, but Chowking's, Razon's and Aristocrat's offering simply cannot compete. I'm not a good writer, I have a very limited vocabulary and I'm already lost for adjectives for this sinful treat.